Sunrise Hotel offers a full range of amenities, fast check-in procedures, free public wi-fi coverage throughout the resort. The highlight of Sunrise Hotel is the restaurant that offers both Western and Oriental cuisine built and served on the top floor. You can enjoy a delicious dinner while watching the starry sky and sea at night. In addition, guests can enjoy other services such as spa, gym in the resort area. It's great that your well-being, self-care habits are maintained on a regular basis.
Sunrise Hotel is confident to bring you the emotional excitement, the best experience, the best in your stay. Come to us, we guarantee that you will not regret.
Inspired by European architecture, diners can immerse themselves in melodious music with a romantic and sophisticated space and enjoy, the culinary experience will surely satisfy diners.
Sunrise Hotel always brings you great and rewarding experiences.
Atoli Resort
The eclectic architectural style is a perfect combination of traditional and modern elements, between East and West, providing immersive experiences for visitors.
With a resort space imbued with nature, delicately blended with standard furniture and perfect services, this place promises to be an ideal destination for visitors to relax and arouse all senses.
Hillary Reѕort provides a full range of convenient services, has quick check-in procedures, free public wi-fi covering the entire hotel… The highlight of Hillary Reѕort is the restaurant that provides both moisture and humidity. Eastern and Western cuisines are built and served on the top floor.
Novotel Hotel with fully equipped rooms, the interior space is decorated in a luxurious style that blends the traditional features of Vietnam and the modernity of the West. We have a staff of well-trained, professional and professional, dedicated service
Come to Eagle Hotel, you will be immersed in fresh nature, to participate in leisure activities, relax to take away the sorrows and chaos of life. Eagle Hotel with all kinds of amenities and modern bungalows combined traditional style, restaurant system, conference room, ...